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Why Elect Emmanuel?

"As a candidate, I'm running to work for you - As my future employer, I want you to review my resume, priorities and my bio.  I live here with all the problems effecting me directly.  It is time for a real revitalization of Baltimore City from the top down.  My employment includes and is not limited to protecting all your God given rights as stated in our U.S. Constitution.  Your vote shall ensure the rebirth of our life, Liberty and Happiness.  Peace be with you."   - Emmanuel


Emmanuel is a proud American veteran, citizen, political activist who has served as a member of the Baltimore City Republican Central Committee representing Councilmanic District 10 since May 2023.  In 2022 Emmanuel was the Republican nominee for Maryland State Senate District 46.  This year he is the Republican nominee for the Council President of  Baltimore City, having won the Republican primary on May 14, 2024.  He has frequently attended Maryland General Assembly (MDGA) during its annual January-through-March Sessions to protect our civil and constitutional rights by giving oral and written testimony on bad bills before they became bad laws.  Alas, over the past 20 years Emmanuel discovered that the MDGA had little to no interest in protecting our civil and constitutional rights; therefore, he ran for political office to protect his fellow Baltimore City neighbors.

Early Life and Education

     He was born in Baltimore City, Maryland at the original Saint Joseph German Hospital on Caroline and Oliver Streets, which later moved to Towson in 1965.  His father, Berkley Digman, was a steel worker at Bethlehem Steel and served his country in the Korean War as a U.S. Marine honored with a Purple Heart decoration.  His mother Martha Digman-(Hickman) was a factory worker and a custodian at an elementary school.  Like Ben Carson’s childhood, his parents divorced when he was nine years old, and he was raised by his mother in a single-parent household with three children.  This occurrence had an insightful impact on his life and shaped his outlook on family and personal responsibility.  Out of poverty and necessity, Emmanuel read and learned everything that needed to be done and then he did it.  Emmaneul enlisted in the Maryland Air National Guard while still in high school, (where he took a lifetime military oath to protect both the U.S.  and the Maryland Constitution. )  After military training, he discovered a glass ceiling that prevented promotion and wage increase in the job market.  Therefore, he started college and achieved a Bachelor in Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) from University of Maryland Baltimore County in 1987, the first BSME graduating class for UMBC.  During federal employment with the Department of Defense, Digman earned a second Bachelor in Science degree in Computer Science (BSCS) from University of Maryland Eastern Shore in 1998.  Later, 2011, he earned a Masters in Science in Strategic Intelligence from National Defense Intelligence College (MSSI) in order to meet mission critical needs.

Political Activism

     Emmanuel Digman has fought legislatively to retain our US and MD Constitutional rights during Maryland Legislative Session in Annapolis for 20 plus years with numerous oral and written testimonies.

Legislative Priorities

If elected Council President of the Baltimore City, He will enact the following improvements;

  1. Forensic Audit of Baltimore City spending and Lower Property Tax (LPT): Shall make proceeding priorities achievable.

  2. Public Safety: Statically proven in other cities that LPT produced lower crime and increase residential population.

  3. Improvement of Quality and Affordable Residential Housing: Establish a new housing building program for modern economical and affordable housing for all City residents.

  4. Excellent City Services: Evaluating and removing systems and regulations that are not a benefit to our city residents and/or unconstitutional thus improving our services to residents while revitalizing of Baltimore.

  5. Better Schools: Restructure a fallen system to yield a generation for continued revitalization and growth for our city. 

  6. Workforce Development: Focus on increasing and enhancing both the manufacturing and service industries within our city to provide employment to our new graduates, existing city residents, and others moving back in to our city.

Work Experience:

National Defense Intelligence College 2011

MS in Strategic Intelligence

University of Maryland, 1998

BS in Computer Science

University of Maryland, 1987

BS in Mechanical Science 

Essex Community College, 1982

AA in Engineering

Air Force Community College 1978

Certificate in Non-Destructive Inspection

Federal Government - 1990 to 2019

National Security Agency (NSA)- Fort Meade, MD 1990-05 – 2019-07

  • Information System Security Designer (ITM), 11/26/17 - 7/25/19, Y21. Reviewed new and existing documentation for security concerns within NSA. Assisted other federal organizations in system testing reviews and made recommendations to increase their network security.

  • Testing and Evaluation Specialist (ITM), 7/24/16 – 11/25/17, Y2D/TS13. Conducted required testing on various NSA network to ensure security.

  • Engineering Leader (ENGR), 12/5/08 - 7/23/16, T54. Demonstrated evidence of 100% client satisfaction through documented survey results showing the high level of service, support, and trust earned. Trusted Access Program Office (TAPO) responsibilities included allowing other federal agencies and institutions with federal contracts outside NSA access to NSA's Trusted Foundry for integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing. Gave technical and managerial support to TAPO customers for their program interface and IC die delivery. Effectively performed daily updates, weekly system checks and quality control of the requirement management database thus ensuring client requests were receiving the attention to detail that they have become accustomed.

  • Program Manager (ENGR), 10/16/05 -12/4/08, I84/I64. TAPO, NSA Realignment.

  • Technology Security Designer (ENGR), 6/13/04 – 10/15/05, I53. During this timeframe, NSA had no spending authority, nor any experience in following Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR); therefore, within Information Assurance, I managed the initiation with the Pentagon for the Key Management Infrastructure (KMI) funding approval. Established key relationships with high ranked document approval authorities. These key relationships aided in the quick approval for the documentation and funding. Prepared and delivered topical briefings to Corporate Leadership.

  • Computer Design Engineer (ENGR), 8/26/01 - 6/12/04, Y14/I53. Responsibilities in Physical Key were design and manufacturing. Basic Java programming was used for research prototyping.

  • Signals Analytic Technique Developer (CS), 11/1/00 - 8/25/01, S33/TGA33. Responsibilities at overhead collection included the creation of a functional database that stored various types of data needed for signal analysis code breaking. Worked through adjacent challenging roadblocks to correct contractual issues for a successful outcome.

  • Computer Scientist (CS), 8/15/99 - 10/31/00, TGA33/K51. Responsible for the operation and maintenance of a program written in C that modified NSA reporting for release to second and third parties. This CS position was contracted out through the Ground Breaker program, transferred to overhead collection.

  • Mechanical Engineer (ENGR), 5/21/90 - 8/14/99, S62/L52. Responsibilities included mechanical design for renovation and new construction, cost estimates, team leading, bid review/selection, and project management. One example of the numerous constriction tasks completed was the Emergency Steam Plant for the Special Process Laboratory (SPL) building which manufactured secured ICs. Due to campus unscheduled steam outages numerous phrased ICs were destroyed and production scheduled deliveries could not be met. SPL Steam Plant keep production on schedule without lost.

Leadership Activities:
  • Publicized and collaborated user meeting agency-wide for Java programmers.  Invited programmers from different Directorates to share information.  Created Java Users Groups, because of this unprecedented gathering, I also founded the Java One conference team.  This sharing effort has resulted in an active and growing Community of Interest for improving quality and delivery of software products within our agency.

  • Served as a Total Quality Management (TQM) Facilitator to aid in the continual process improvement at NSA.  As the TQM Facilitator, I supported process teams through analytical procedural tools and research for the best problem resolution.  

  • Lead weekly group mentoring meetings to improve entry level engineers' performance.

  • Served as an NSA Technical Recruiter for 3 years.  Attended numerous job fairs, career fairs, college and university events promoting NSA career recruiting.

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Emmanuel Digman


Authority: Citizens for Emmanuel Digman,

James Bowman, Treasurer

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